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Showing posts from January, 2010

My January'e life

1……2……1……2 ……1没错,来到今天已经是一月的中旬了! 昨日,终于结束我一年级的课程与考试, 为自己鼓掌鼓掌……(啪啪啪~~) 鼓掌,是为了肯定自己过去在学习的付出, 当作是给自己的一个小鼓励吧~! 不过,矛盾的我,先礼后兵的, 再来给自己赏几个巴掌……(啪啪啪!!!!)(:>.<:) 原因是,为自己的全力以赴打上不合格的分数。 每一次这么告诉自己,要全力以赴地去学习身边的一切; 然而在这一个短学期,对自己的表现是显然是 不满意的 …… 正所谓,世界上没有丑女人,只有懒女人, 显然我是后者。 “ 懒 ”,使我在过程中, 我让自己松懈, 我让自己放肆, 我让自己偷懒…… 自制力不够坚强,投降了…… 活该,活该,真活该… 我够力,没有全力以赴地付出这一次的学习过程, 真有愧于家里三老(爸妈和姐,呵呵~) (反省中……) 唉,距离毕业已在不远中…… 再次感叹时间的流逝,带走我的悔意…… 新年将即,不知大家是否为自己添上新气息呢? 希望各位都可以为自己添上属于自己的色彩,开心就好~! ^^ 而我,今时不如往日了…… 省省用吧,够力…… 假期了,却没有假期的感觉……(自言自语 ) anywhere, wish everyone have a joyful holidays ~ have a great time in every moment~! ^^


看着空白的部落格 脑袋又开始停滞了 矛盾的心情 无法专心在准备 眼看毕业距离不远 心却有一股说不上的担忧与焦虑 担忧自己有心无力 担忧自己无能为力 此时此刻 害怕了…… 心慌了…… 神乱了…… 眼看一切的事物 凌乱得不堪设想 闭上眼 只求片刻的安宁 暂时的逃避 只是能量的储备 压力的应对 想闭上眼 不想睁开 多么不想啊~ 但如今 我还是睁开眼 忘了曾经何时把双眼闭上 累了…… 算了…… 烦呢……

The End is only the Begining~

Happy New Year~ Yahoo~~ 2010 was come, I'll become a twenty two-year-old girl! Am I still a young girl? Yes, I am!! hehe~ ^^ This is my !st time write in English , forgive me I'm using in broken style. Actually, I'm not going to write about my wishes ,my plan and etc for the new year. But, I would like to share about what have I done in the last year 2009 Well, my evaluation of this year is only 70% below. My friend always said that I have a high requirement. Yes, sometimes I am, but sometimes I'm may not. I know i did not bring much effort in my study and my life. For study, I always do the last minute job and not concentrate in the class. And let my group member worries about it~ very apologize it~ But appreciate their helps ,forgive and command, Let me harder in my situation. For relationship, I have inner conflict when interact with someone. Although I have learned the interact skill from class, but, I would not take any action or attitude to re-build the relati